Issuing fictitious bank bill to draw money illegally for criminal activities; 签发空头银行汇票,套取资金,以及进行经济犯罪活动的;
"where the drawee is dead or bankrupt, or is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract by bill." We are grateful for prompt payment of your account. 付款人死亡或破产,或付款人为一虚构之人或无能力借汇票订约之人;
"Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer." Write out the name of the recipient here and the name of the sender there, please. 若收款人为虚构或不存在之人,则该汇票得视为以持票人为收款人。收款人的名字写在这儿,寄款人的名字写在那儿。